Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Personal insights on 'Handling the emotional component of being involved in ministry'

* Its a Theological issue - What goes on in my head and heart is largely the key to walking in emotional freedom or stress. I have found that there is a large difference between truth we have heard and truth that resides in the inner sanctum of our lives. As a deeper Theology of Assurance and Inheritance has grounded me in a more profound trust there has been MUCH less room for worry and anxiety, the ugly sisters of leaking emotional tanks.

* Its a success issue - our whole view of 'success' has needed to change. Deep in the heart we need to make the transition from 'God writing our story' to 'us writing His story' and the journey into this is inevitably through trials and delay. Its the best thing that could ever happen to us. When we find our 'success' in God Himself and trust at a deeper level, joy and peace replace Arminian drivenness - a relentless inner unrest that is an emotional slave driver.

* Its a people issue - ministry is about people and building lives, team, reaching the lost and so on. For me knowing how to 'switch off' and relax, and rest in the perpetual 'unfinished business' of lives and church 'in process' has taken time and is again related to a deeper trust. Handling criticism is another big one and living free of people's moods and 'issues' with us at times has meant that we sleep well, fret less and laugh more. Relational disharmony is highly draining and learning greater honesty, confrontation and listening skills has helped to reduce 'passive aggressive' and unsettling escalation of disharmony. We must learn aswell to live well in our own 'shoes' and not live under our own or other people's comparisons of ourselves.

* Its a lifestyle issue - I have found the following important: rest, protecting a day off, having good holidays, having a date night with Ali and building our marriage is VITAL to emotional well-being, good sex life in marriage is most helpful to our emotional state, taking exercise and keeping in shape helps how we feel about ourselves, getting enough sleep, eating well and general health well-being, Having a hobby and enjoying a glass of wine and fun with friends is necessary to avoid constant intensity and being drained. Laughter breaks fear.

* Its a Spirit issue - quite simply the anointing of the Holy Spirit breaks 'yokes of bondage' of our lives. Emotions get damaged in this trench warfare. I have had to work hard (and still do) to maintain a decent prayer life and enter the 'rest' of God. Entering the 'santuary' of God (Psalms 73) also brings proper perspective to us amidst unsettling emotions and helps ground us in the Sovereignty of God that brings peace even amidst temporary 'defeats' and choppy waters.

* Its a friendship issue - I have found this vital. Having friends that we can be real with and who don't judge us for opening our 'under-bellies' has been a key to remaining emotionally stable. Ladies in particular need this but so do men! Laughter and the joy of friendship is deeply therapeutic to one's emotional state, I believe.The opposite of this is just bottling things up inside and leads to harmful repression of emotions that will one day mount up to the point of breakdown unless dealt with.


Paul said...

Mate, you forgot "and Leinster and Ireland winning"
Great post!

Unknown said...

Good building blocks for like. When one of these areas breaks down in your life like a relationship or a spiritual crisis or both!. It's so helpful to be able to draw from the other resources to re-build. I know this personally, having a real difficulty which I felt I couldn't bring or go to Church it kept me away and away from the Lord. A friend of mine said some biblical trues and things started to change, make sense. A friend that I didn't think had such depth until now. Yet again I know nothing of the greatness of God.

Jason Shiels said...

Thanks for the comments guys