Imagine starting a new year like it was your first day as a Christian
Imagine starting a new year like it was your last day on this earth
Imagine starting a new year like it was not going to be circumscribed by past disappointments
Imagine starting a new year like it was an awesome adventure with Jesus
Imagine starting a new year like it was time to walk on your own personal lake of destiny
Imagine starting a new year like it was a chance to believe God like it was your first opportunity to do so
Imagine starting a new year like it was time to dump any excess 'load' or 'baggage' for the road ahead
Imagine starting a new year like it was a moment by moment chance to get to know Jesus better and deeper than ever before!
Imagine starting a new year like it was the Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom (He says it is!)
Imagine starting a new year like it was an epic new time to walk deliberately by the Spirit
Imagine starting a new year like it was time to fly in all that he has called you to
Imagine starting a new year like it was time to stop thinking, breathing and speaking the negative report
Imagine starting a new year like it was already predestined for you with good works prepared in advance, with plans to prosper you (and not to harm you!)
Imagine starting a new year like it was time to simply believe whether you see it or not as yet
Imagine starting a new year like you are a child
No ordinary child, God's child!
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