Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wrestling but not as we know it

"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places" Ephesians 6v12 (English Standard Version)

Surely you desire truth in the inner parts; you teach me wisdom in the inmost place. Psalms 51v6

It seems clear to me at this time in our history that Ireland is poised for breakthrough at an unprecedented level in terms of our spiritual destiny. Allied to this exciting season though must be an understanding of the times we live in and for the prophetic church to rise in the Spirit and power of God (with the mantle of 'Elijah') to break the discouragement and darkness off lives, marriages, families and church...

Sumo wrestling is a sport that seems utterly foreign to those of us brought up on rugby, football and Gaelic games! Originating in Japan since ancient times, it is a sport that also carries some religious overtones in the Shinto religion.

Paul - an apostle, in writing to the Ephesian believers draws their attention to the 'wrestling match' that they were embroiled in. His pastoral writings give us a picture of the dilemma he witnessed in such primitive (by this I mean 'early' not 'backward') church communities. There were at times divisions that emerged, false teaching and other pastoral concerns. Paul, like a protective Father, was jealous for the welfare and health of these communities, many of which being founded under the impact and tutelage of his Spirit empowered apostolic ministry.

Paul here makes a fundamental point that we can so easily forget - there are two Kingdoms, one belongs to God, the other to satan, they are in conflict and believers should ensure...

...that we are wrestling....for a deeper walk with God, for a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Christ, for true Kingdom unity, to walk in Christian love and forgivenss, to understand our true identity (we are seated with Christ in heavenly places and are adopted sons of the Lord!)...

...but also significantly that we are wrestling AGAINST demonic forces that should not be misinterpreted as merely human or natural dynamics - without spiritual origin or influence...but rather to understand that messengers of satan have both design and work in progress to oppose the reign and rule of Christ's government on earth, as it is in heaven.

How quickly we can forget that we are at war spiritually as believers, with Christ the conquering King
Without this perspective prayer and using the Sword of the Spirit (God's Word) seem like luxurious accessories. With the correct discernment and perspective we know we need these weapons of our warfare to make any headway and indeed the 'armour of God' to take our stand!

God's Kingdom is an 'upside-down' one to us in many ways. We need to learn the language of sonship and what it means to 'wrestle' effectively in this world
. Giving our time, treasure and talents to bless God is not something that the highly independent autonomous self wants to do after all...thats why we need to learn the unforced rhythmns of God's grace, and live from the fountain of God's Presence and Word within that compels us in love, with obedience the by-product...wrestling for truth that is grounded in faith expressing itself through love and deeds..

Ireland, may the mighty men and women of valour arise and take their place at the head of the army led by our Lord, the Saviour and deliverer King!

....Like sumo wrestling, this is wrestling but not as we know it!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jason, that was a good reminder of the kind of 'fight' we are involved in. There are of course many Christians who are 'living their best life now', unaware, or oblivious to the warfare that is raging around them.
I recall once hearing a sermon on the angelic realm. The preacher described it as 'intense'; sort of like crowded like on the underground in London, with a constant pushing and shoving between the realms of darkness and light. This is not suggesting that there is a demon under every bush, but neither is it like looking into the night sky and seeing an angel float by once in a while.
And the thing is, we are involved in it whether we like it or not. As the late R.W. Shambach put it, "Nothing is going to fall into your hand like ripe fruit from a tree, you are going to have to fight for everything, because you have an enemy who wants to rob, steal, and destroy your life."

From you know who!