Wednesday, June 6, 2012

These tears

Just want to testify today to the healing and liberating power of our God. He came to set the captives free and to release those imprisoned in dark dungeons of despair. He is able people. The following is a poem that flowed today from a time of great love and emotion, "I have longed for these tears these uncontrived, true and timely tears. Welling love, dripping, drowning grief. Flowing freely, a great release. Expression of true liberty and a voice that speaks louder, Sorrow fleeing with each paradoxical sob, I knew this day would come. But could I make it come? No, love sometimes waits, crouching, but cannot be denied, Only His roaring call can awaken the dawn, With rivers deep, and temple curtain torn. I have longed for these tears" JS.

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