Showing posts with label Arise Dublin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arise Dublin. Show all posts

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Filling the National Stadium

April 21st this year I turn 40 ;-) On that night I am delighted to announce that we will be fully involved in 'There is Hope' a city wide outreach to Dublin involving ourselves and the other Arise Dublin churches

This night will feature Life stories (one of which is from my brother in law Dave), Multi-media, well known boxer Katie Taylor, and we hope some rockin' music that will blow a few stereotypes to smitherenes (is that how you spell it???) including Moya Brennan and perhaps Bluetree (God of this city). There will also be a speaker communicating Christ - the Hope for Ireland, that is Tony Stone, a 70 yr old man that we know will do the event justice. We as city leaders are teaming together in expectation of great things!

Not a bad way to spend my 40th I reckon!!! ;-)