Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Winter that doesn't want to leave?

As I write snow is falling hard in the longest, most persistently cold winter I can remember. It got me thinking....If after pleading with God to take you out of a situation (like waiting for Spring?) is it possible that He wants you to be as you are - for now, to experience hope and peace in the midst of chill, and then to distribute it to all the others who can identify with you in the same situation? It doesn't mean its forever! Strength in weakness speaks volumes of an inner Grace, often louder than words. Ever spent time and effort in feverish intensity of effort to position yourself in the brightest possible position in life or any season (especially Winter!)? Could it be that as we try to place ourselves in strength God spends time repositioning us in weakness? Have we missed something? Is there a deeper agenda here than external comfort and internal control? Its only in the vulnerable place that we really need Him, that we truly learn to reach out for the anchor (hope) of ours souls and allow faith to grow from seed to harvest - no matter what the chill of our spiritual environment...Any comment?

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