Thursday, February 23, 2012

Control and manipulation- Part 1

Control and manipulation are not God’s ways

1 Now Ahab told Jezebel everything Elijah had done and how he had killed all the prophets with the sword. 2 So Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah to say, “May the gods deal with me, be it ever so severely, if by this time tomorrow I do not make your life like that of one of them.”
3 Elijah was afraid[a] and ran for his life. When he came to Beersheba in Judah, he left his servant there, 4 while he himself went a day’s journey into the wilderness. He came to a broom bush, sat down under it and prayed that he might die. “I have had enough, LORD,” he said. “Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors.” 5 Then he lay down under the bush and fell asleep.
All at once an angel touched him and said, “Get up and eat.” 1Kings 1v1-5

I would like to focus here on examining and indeed exposing something that is multi-faceted and endemic in our time: spiritual and psychological control and manipulation.

Our world is full of brokenness, intimidation and self-centeredness, in addition to the wonderful love and selflessness that can also be admired. In many cases these destructive ‘mechanisms’ are so ingrained in our culture and human relationships that ‘it is hard to see the wood for the trees’. That is, unless we have a ‘plumb-line’ to measure against (the Word of God), and a certain degree of spiritual discernment (‘spiritual antennae’) that expose these very damaging and malevolent attitudes. Sometimes it is hardest to see them in ourselves though due to pride or deception. Having honest accountable friendships is something that WE must cultivate.

I call these attitudes of control ‘mechanisms’ because they are instrumental in nature – that is, techniques with a ‘personality’ behind them that are designed to illicit a certain response in relationships and to garner co-operation to please and submit to the underlying demands.
This happens through illegitimate means that are there to force and subjugate a person through fear, intimidation, guilt, threats, jealousy and so on
. I call them ‘illegitimate’ because I believe we are created to willingly submit our lives to the highest power and authority – to Father, Son and Holy Spirit and it is my emphatic belief that God is a God of love who invites us into responsible freedom, not the polar opposite of demonic control and manipulation. Satan seeks to control, and may use humans to try to achieve his goal, God frees us and gives us a new heart with His Spirit to indwell and compel through grace. Think of it.
God does not force you or I to love him, he invites, and has paid for all our freedom by the sacrifice of the Saviour Deliverer Jesus.

As a church leader I have come to realise that being a believer in Christ is also no guarantee that we live free and whole in this area – either as the dispenser of these traits, the unfortunate recipient, or both. That is, unless we take ‘authority’ over this area of both that which we ‘transmit’ or ‘receive’ spiritually and psychologically. As such there is no sense of superiority here. We must all be on our guard.

What I do know, without a shadow of doubt, is that control and manipulation is never Godly or helpful and must be resisted by a deeper submission to God and a rising in our spiritual authority as sons.

Control and manipulation can be seen in families, marriages, friendships and work-places alike, and yes even in church! Sometimes this is seen as being necessary or ‘benign’, like a parent who is overly strict and controlling of their child out of fear that something harmful may happen otherwise, or a friend who feels lonely and fearful of losing a friendship so engages in self-pity or critical attitudes to control the other person’s response and garner sympathy.

The Church in Ireland has been gripped by systems of control for generations. It took a tragedy to free our nation from this tyranny. There is often a sexual overtone associated with control and manipulation. The church of Thyatira in the Book of Revelation had a character (or is it symbolic of the spirit?) who was a false prophetess called Jezebel who was also associated with sexual immorality. However, manipulation and control can flow in many guises in church: from the businessman who with-holds giving any of his finances because he didn’t get ‘his way’, to the Pastor who puts ‘heavies’ on the sheep or has them ‘jumping through hoops’ in order to ‘earn favour’ with God (which we have anyway by Grace!) or ‘become leaders’.

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.Galatians 5v1

Next blog I am going to look a little deeper into the attitudes associated with control and manipulation, how they can manifest, and how to stay free to be the unique you living in the freedom of Christ by the rhythmns of grace

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wrestling but not as we know it

"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places" Ephesians 6v12 (English Standard Version)

Surely you desire truth in the inner parts; you teach me wisdom in the inmost place. Psalms 51v6

It seems clear to me at this time in our history that Ireland is poised for breakthrough at an unprecedented level in terms of our spiritual destiny. Allied to this exciting season though must be an understanding of the times we live in and for the prophetic church to rise in the Spirit and power of God (with the mantle of 'Elijah') to break the discouragement and darkness off lives, marriages, families and church...

Sumo wrestling is a sport that seems utterly foreign to those of us brought up on rugby, football and Gaelic games! Originating in Japan since ancient times, it is a sport that also carries some religious overtones in the Shinto religion.

Paul - an apostle, in writing to the Ephesian believers draws their attention to the 'wrestling match' that they were embroiled in. His pastoral writings give us a picture of the dilemma he witnessed in such primitive (by this I mean 'early' not 'backward') church communities. There were at times divisions that emerged, false teaching and other pastoral concerns. Paul, like a protective Father, was jealous for the welfare and health of these communities, many of which being founded under the impact and tutelage of his Spirit empowered apostolic ministry.

Paul here makes a fundamental point that we can so easily forget - there are two Kingdoms, one belongs to God, the other to satan, they are in conflict and believers should ensure...

...that we are wrestling....for a deeper walk with God, for a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Christ, for true Kingdom unity, to walk in Christian love and forgivenss, to understand our true identity (we are seated with Christ in heavenly places and are adopted sons of the Lord!)...

...but also significantly that we are wrestling AGAINST demonic forces that should not be misinterpreted as merely human or natural dynamics - without spiritual origin or influence...but rather to understand that messengers of satan have both design and work in progress to oppose the reign and rule of Christ's government on earth, as it is in heaven.

How quickly we can forget that we are at war spiritually as believers, with Christ the conquering King
Without this perspective prayer and using the Sword of the Spirit (God's Word) seem like luxurious accessories. With the correct discernment and perspective we know we need these weapons of our warfare to make any headway and indeed the 'armour of God' to take our stand!

God's Kingdom is an 'upside-down' one to us in many ways. We need to learn the language of sonship and what it means to 'wrestle' effectively in this world
. Giving our time, treasure and talents to bless God is not something that the highly independent autonomous self wants to do after all...thats why we need to learn the unforced rhythmns of God's grace, and live from the fountain of God's Presence and Word within that compels us in love, with obedience the by-product...wrestling for truth that is grounded in faith expressing itself through love and deeds..

Ireland, may the mighty men and women of valour arise and take their place at the head of the army led by our Lord, the Saviour and deliverer King!

....Like sumo wrestling, this is wrestling but not as we know it!


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Mondays should never be the same again

This event we are planning is a reflection of the vision we have as a church here at to see believers living the life 24/7 365 for the King and His Kingdom

'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me THEREFORE GO and make disciples of all nations...." Matt 28 (the great commission)

'Church'is about PEOPLE gathered to GOD, who love one another and then take the good news of God's Kingdom into the world...

Mondays should never be the same again!!


Monday, February 6, 2012

Submission - the gateway to freedom

This past Sunday I preached in south city church (dublin) on the topic of Submission to God. I related it to faith for this reason: Unless we learn to submit to God in His faithfulness it will be impossible for us to have faith. Submission is about yielding. The greatest strength for a believer lies beyond natural strength of personality or abilities. It lies in submitting to God. In this place we are able to resist the forces of darkness and to align ourselves with the Living Word of God that is Jesus Christ.

One of the deepest forms of submission, I have felt God say to me, is submission to the FAITHFULNESS of God
There is no faith without knowing God and knowing that He can be trusted.

Submission is not something I regularly 'feel like! God wants us to learn the obedience of faith though inspite of 'feelings'
. We are to be led by the Spirit of God, not merely by 'feelings'
Whether we 'feel like' forgiving soomeone who has offended us is not the point
. Offence is a snare and a dungeon master and God has taught us to forgive not seven times but seventy times seven times. Seven is the number of God and perfection. As we submit to Him we find no excuses left to hold bitterness or unforgiveness against another in the light of the scandalous grace that has been shown firstly to ourselves!

Christ came as the fulfilment of all God's promises concerning the Messiah. In complete surrender and obedience faithfulness He went to the cross in order to make a provision for every person alive. He surrendered His will in order to redeem mankind and through this perfect obedience and sacrifice has made a way for us to be saved and to become His children.

Do you know this faithful God? Have you met Him yet? He loves you and is truly a faithful God. As you turn away from your own way today, turn to Him, bow your knee, submit your life afresh to God...

this is the gateway to freedom and true life in and by the Spirit of God