Thursday, November 29, 2012

Unresponsive hearers

8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” 9 He said, “Go and tell this people: “‘Be ever hearing, but never understanding; be ever seeing, but never perceiving.’ 10 Make the heart of this people calloused; make their ears dull and close their eyes.[a] Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts, and turn and be healed.”
Isaiah's response to a revelation encounter of God was to volunteer for the hardest of all GO and be SENT FORTH to speak to a people, many of whom DID NOT WANT TO HEAR. All the same, God plans and purposes that all should HEAR His message. I want to leave a small thought with you today here....God decrees here that the preaching/declaration of His Word here (by Isaiah)in this instance - and certainly to many around us today - will have a hardening effect on the generation that He was sent to (- others thank God will respond affirmatively...)
. In this their posture before God would be laid bare for what it truly is and what it truly is not. Faith is a gift of God's Grace to us - the unresponsive hearer finds that the proclaimed message only hardens him to God's gracious purposes. For those who SPEAK of Christ and proclaim His gospel in the community there is much for us here to chew on. Rejection of the message (and the messenger) by some or many must not stop us from sharing this Good News with the world around us. For those who are open and responsive to Christ and His exclusive claims, there is salvation, mercy and grace. For those who are not, there is a deeper hardening of the heart and mind that takes place, but still like Isaiah, we are sent forth to boldly and yet lovingly proclaim His message, to be led by the Spirit in this, and to live the message ourselves. Don't be put off by reactions, you are not failing (although this is not to say that the messenger may not obstruct the clarity of the message by his character or disposition in some way, potentially...) if people reject Christ...indeed it could be the very sign that the message is that situation has been properly and adequately proclaimed. None of us want to see a sinful human being plug his ears to the very PERSON who can save them, who loves them with an everlasting love, who suffered and died to open up a new and living way for sinners! However, our job is to proclaim and live in this GOOD NEWS! It is God who convicts and it is God who saves! So don't be amazed when people harden their hearts even further, none of us LIKE this, but it is evidence enough that that person is not READY to receive the one gift that can rescue them from perishing.Pray they do......

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Addicted to progress?

"The only thing embedded in my mindset is how im addicted to progress - The Coronas."
Most of us are addicted to progress. We eat, sleep and dream of progress on various fronts. For some of us its a drug, for others temporary relief from a paralysing sense of failure, for others the sense of climbing a ladder towards what we assume is 'success' The point of this short blog is not to offer a vote for motivationless aimless living! I just want to leave you with a question, a thought. What if God's idea of 'progress' in your life and in my life looks radically different from the 'progress' that we crave?
What if the attitude we deal with in a situation is actually more important than the outcome that we are willing to 'step on' others for? What if the goals we have set ourselves for are not the ultimate goals that God has set for us? What if God is happy to turn my world upside down so that I can actually begin to 'see straight'? What if He will allow me even 'to hit the wall' in my addiction to that I can discover something better...finding God Himself as my 'progress'

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


“What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us”
AW Tozer
"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will" Romans 12v1-2
What comes into your mind and heart today when you think about God? Distant? Absent? Passive? Angry? Party-pooper? or Real? Father? Loving? Present? Sovereign? Friend? Healer? Deliverer? Today your mind needs renewing, so does mine! We cannot afford to just allow ourselves to think any old thing, blown and tossed around by every wind of doctrine or adversity. We will need to 'take captive' thoughts that rise up to rob us of the truth of who God is and the truth of who we are in God. Don't just stop at apprehending a false thought though. Go ahead and replace it with the message of Christ - His Gospel, the truth of His Word - faith comes by hearing and hearing through the message of take a moment, do an audit of 'what we think about God' today - is it shaped by truth as the highest reality or merely by circumstances or popular opinion? JS

Monday, November 12, 2012

Many blog visits and readers from France....get in touch

J'ai reçu beaucoup de visites sur mon blog à partir de France et je serais ravi d'entendre quelqu'un d'entre vous dans les pays francophones. J'ai un grand désir de voir le Royaume de Dieu d'impact en France, en Belgique et dans toute l'Europe. Peut-être que vous souhaitez me contacter et si je peux aider les églises ou même y aller à parler, eh bien, tout est possible! J'ai déjà fait du ministère dans Belguim deux fois cette année! Mon email est Bénédictions évangéliques, Jason Shiels
I have been receiving alot of hits on my blog from france and would love to hear from any of you in French speaking countries. I have a great desire to see the Kingdom of God impact France, Belgium and all over Europe. Perhaps you would like to contact me and if I can help any churches or even go there to speak, well, anything is possible! I have already done ministry in Belguim twice this year alone! My email is Gospel blessings, Jason Shiels

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The frontier of our dignity

God is always calling His people to cross 'frontiers'. For Israel the frontiers were often physical ones - the Red Sea, the wilderness, the Jordan river and so on. These are highly symbolic aswell. The first frontier we cross is to 'become' God's children. Before this we are His creation, but we are not actually His redeemed 'children'(God's Word is emphatic on this). This only happens as we are 'born from on high', allowing the cross to grant us what we could never earn or deserve in our own strength. We receive this by faith, drowning men taking the hand of God to pull us into the 'boat' where He brings us to Himself....thats the first frontier....its often our apparent reputation or dignity that could keep us from Christ but once we realise we are drowning His hand becomes more than an optional accessory! What then of other frontiers? The Jordan river stood as the boundary between Israel and her promised inheritance - Canaan...they could not cross the monsoonal river in their own strength or ingenuity, a whole nation crossed in a day because of a supernatural miracle of God that came following steps of obedience by Levites whose wet feet stand as a symbol of our destiny claiming faith....I want to share with you one other frontier that I personally have to deal with again and again. I believe it is also a frontier that many in the 'Western church' struggle to navigate, so often turning back as the price of 'crossing over' shifts from the conceptual to the transactional! In other words when we the cost kicks in!Its called 'DIGNITY'. Its about reputation, and other people's perceptions. Its about whether or not we appear 'successful' and the degree of validation we take or otherwise from given situations. Do you ever struggle with following through by faith with a situation because of a challenge to your 'dignity'. I know that if we look more closely at this, we are going to find our old 'friend' pride lurking down there, seeking to be stroked and validated.
Today I am challenged with this thought: as believers in the West one of the last great frontiers we must cross is to deal with this false sense of dignity we hold on to that is actually pride. In my own strength I don't really think I know how to subdue this insidious enemy of true pilgrimage with God. What I do know though is that when I remember Christ's utter humiliation for us, stripped naked, whipped, spat upon, mocked, beard torn out, flayed til unrecognisable and pierced for our transgressions....then somehow it makes each step away from self-preservation that bit easier
, a recognition that these trials really are light and momentary compared to what He suffered and bore our disgrace for. JS

Facing facts?

"Anyone ambivalent about what Christ has actually done just isn't clear on the facts"
Quote from 'The explicit gospel' by Matt Chandler

Monday, November 5, 2012

When hell aint hell anymore

One of the greatest problems we face in studying the Bible is the fact that we are
predisposed toward shaping God around our worldview rather than allowing the opposite to happen. Lets be honest here, for many of us God is there when we need Him, to bale us out of a sinking ship, to help us through a crisis and to help us get what we want and when we want it! Maybe thats offensive to you but take a deeper look...our sinful independence from God is a legacy of Adamic independence and self-interest, and dress it up however we like in 21st century western finery, we have become predisposed to using God rather than worshipping and glorifying Him through lives that bear witness to a deeper love. One of the things we tend to do when we have two complimentary truths about God that seem polar opposites or even contradictory is to DIAL DOWN one aspect of His revelation and only emphasise the other. For example, the Bible teaches us that God is one but also teaches us that He is triune ie. three in one (Trinitarian) Muslims often find it incomprehensible that God could have a son and hence while they tolerate and even reverence Jesus as a prophet, always stop short of deifying Him since this does not fit their worldview. The Biblical God is revealed as both fully God and also fully man and indeed Christ's salvation would be meaningless unless this were true where the sinless Son of God became a man, and in standing in our place was a substitute for our sin. Other truths of Scripture that appear contradictory but are actually still truths that stand alone are ELECTION (predestination) and the UNIVERSAL ATONEMENT provision offered (but rejected by many) at the cross. Does God choose in salvation and if so why would he bother dying for all? Personally I do believe in both predestination AND that Christ died puposefully for all (for the 'many'/'world')It seems contradictory but only if we disallow 'antinomy' - the place of mystery in Theology which we must surely resist the temptation to do given that God is God and INFINITE in wisdom, power and capability, not finite like us earthlings! However, for many, the truth about HELL is probably one of the greatest of all head-wreckers. How could a God of love allow or send people who reject Him to a place of eternal punishment? I submit to you readers here an excerpt from an excellent book by Matt Chandler called 'The explicit gospel': "The word Gehenna is used by Jesus twelve times in the four Gospels. God's first response to the belittlement of his name is this Greek word Gehenna, which we would translate 'hell'. The interesting thing about the word Gehenna is that it is a reference to a ravine in the south side of Jerusalem where, about a hundred years before Jesus was born, there were these really odd kind of Blair-Witch like murders going on. The Jews began to view this area as cursed. It basically became a trash heap or dumping ground for Jerusalem. When the pile got too big, they just set the whole thing on fire. Can you picture this? The word gehenna conjures up a very vivid image: a stinking, smoldering place of destruction and neglect....according to the Scriptures, every good and perfect gift (undeserved!) from God almighty, which means that everything that brings comfort, joy, pleasure, and peace are all gifts from the Father of lights (James 1:17) SO HELL, WHEN ALL IS SAID AND DONE, IS THE ABSENCE OF GOD'S GOODNESS AND BLESSEDNESS. THEREFORE HELL IS THE ABSENCE OF ANYTHING THAT WE CAN THINK OF THAT'S GOOD, RIGHT, COMFORTING, JOYOUS, HAPPY, AND PEACEFUL. IT'S A TERRIFYING PLACE. JESUS SAYS ITS A PLACE WHERE 'THE WORM DOES NOT DIE' (mark 9:48)- torment's the primary and most popular response (re hell) 'HOW CAN A LOVING, JUST GOD CREATE AND FILL A PLACE LIKE HELL? THAT'S NOT FAIR. IT'S NOT RIGHT....BUT TO DISCOUNT THE ENORMITY OF GOD'S SEVERITY, AS IF WE AREN'T REALLY THAT BAD AND REALLY DESERVE MOSTLY KINDNESS,
IS TO DISCOUNT THE ENORMITY OF GOD'S HOLINESS. IT IS VERY EASY, IN THIS TRAJECTORY OF LOGIC, TO SWITCH THINGS UP, COMPLETELY DISREGARD THE SCRIPTURES AND THE TEACHINGS OF JESUS, AND MOVE INTO THE IDEA THAT IT'S WE WHO ARE GOOD, AND GOD WHO IS FALLEN" Hell then is a place of punishment for people who have chosen 'self-regard' as their God and to completely disregard the glory and holiness of God. this is the essence of sin. Christ made a way for all of us who have 'fallen short of the glory of God' and who have earned the 'wages of sin (death)'. Its called the CROSS, he paid a horrible price so that whosoever believes in Him can be saved, and delivered from the place we prefer not to mention anymore in our PC world - hell...So, is it possible for our God to be BOTH kind and also severe? Is it possible for him to be both merciful but also just? Is it possible for Him to long for us to love Him but also be ready to hand us over to our sinful pride and rebellion? Yes, and for this, hell is a just and yes severe end for those who reject Christ and the kindness revealed in His grace that is offered freely but not cheaply to us through His blood. Any questions let me know. JS JS