Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Take His hand

The commonly spoken mantra 'Seeing is believing' is understandable when the visible realm is the sole arbiter of a persons perception of life. Christ though, followed the theme headlined by Abraham centuries earlier, 'Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe' A life of trust is about learning to lean on the Person of God through the storms and routines, through plenty and lack, living beyond what our senses and sensibilties perceive, reaching out for the hand of the invisible God. As such, 'Believing is Seeing' brings us to true North, the Holy Spirit and God's Word the magnetic field, Father and Son cheering us on, along with a great cloud of witnesses who have finished their race..

So we say we believe, good stuff. Its worthwhile remembering though that even the demons believe in Christ, though they quake at His Presence and are driven out in His Name! 'Saving faith' is about understanding that we cannot save ourselves, indeed this instinct to self-determinate has been the barrier between us and God. Jesus' date with the cross paid and opened a way for the possibility of our reconciliation with God, it was costly beyond measure and will never need to be repeated, complete, offering a doorway into His Kingdom and a whole new way of living, but have you taken hold of that invisible hand?

'Inheriting faith' (faith for living, maturing, taking possession of promises God has made to His sons and daughers) continues the theme of 'Believing is Seeing' There are many warnings in the Bible about unbelief that comes from a 'sinful unbelieving heart' that lapses back into self-determination and has caused many people's hearts to grow cold. Inspite of their position at the Father's table, the 'old ways' prove troublesome to walking with and 'dining' with God in His Kingdom...

Here are a few suggestions prefaced by an important statement. 'To inherit all that is bequeathed to us as sons we need to align ourselves in a life that is compatible to our destiny'

* Thought life - a famous book told us we 'are what we eat', nothing could be more true of our brain food! God's Word has proved innumerable skeptics wrong and speaks truth into our minds and hearts. Jesus rebuked illogical thinking, cut across traditions and sacred cows, so that people could know the truth and the truth would set them FREE!

* Conversation - do we speak what God's Word teaches us? Its so easy to read something at 9am that brings LIFE and then by 9.30am be speaking and conversing to friends from a 'glass half-full' (or empty) position. What we confess with our mouths is important. It becomes a declaration of truth in the face of circumstances that is very powerful.

* Prayer - in communication with God, our prayers need to align with the revealed will and plan of God. His character and attributes are the foundation for His will and we receive fresh revelation and impartation as we spend time with God and experience, yes experience, His Presence. 'Give thanks to the Lord for His Love endures forever' was a song sung before and after battles we read of in the Old Testament. As a friend said to me recently, 'This is the anthem of a generation that take possession of their inheritance!' Powerful stuff, ponder and meditate on this and may it become a constant in your prayer life, not for mindless repetition but from a position of revelation of its awesome truth!

Is your lifestyle compatible with your destiny? Are you sowing into it? If Believing is Seeing, then 'Seeing' will involve us thinking, speaking, praying and living a life aligned increasingly with the Lord...take His hand today and watch what happens next!

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