Monday, November 8, 2010

A prophetic word given by Ali Shiels March 2010

Prophetic Word – Arise Dublin March 2010
Ancient Wells Prophetic word:

The following word was given at an 'Arise Dublin' meeting and was sent around the Arise Dublin network at the request of the Arise Dublin team:

While worshipping, the Lord showed me a picture of Ireland, and dotted all over our nation were WELLS. The Lord showed me that these are Ancient wells…. Wells that have been dug by saints of old.
But as I looked closer, the Lord showed me that the wells were stopped up. They were filled with grit and sand and mud…… where once pure fresh water flowed, now the water was stagnant, and dirty and not flowing.
The mud I believe symbolizes TRADITION, RELIGIOSITY, and SELF!!
The mud symbolizes where we have clouded and ‘dirtied’ the pure fresh water of God, by living lives that have been focused on SELF, on chasing after the things of this world, and not after Him…….

Then the Lord showed me that the time was now upon us, where He was going to unblock and unstop those Ancient wells. Where once again, the fresh pure water of God would flow through our land and wash over our land bringing new and fresh water to a thirsty and dry nation. As I looked, the wells did not just begin to flow, but the water EXPLODED up and out of the wells (much like when we strike oil, and the oil shoots up meters into the sky), and flowed out through the streets….. I saw clean, pure water flooding our streets and flowing through this city and this land……..

I believe that the Lord is encouraging us, that we have served him in a time of drought, and have proven faithful, but that now a time is upon us where we will experience an ABUNDANCE of His Spirit, where thirsty hearts and lives will ‘taste and see that the Lord is good’. It is a time of REFRESHING for the church in this nation. A time where we will begin to reap from the foundations of the wells that were dug hundreds of years ago…….

Ali Shiels (South City Church)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yesterday I had to drive to Vienna and back to Salzburg so I had a lot of some time to listen to the podcasts from your Church. I have to say they are a real blessing and source of encouragement. Just wow, awesome - He is a brilliant, bright and bold - an all consuming fire.

Greeting from Austria,

ps. say hello to Sue and Niall.