Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Market-place Ministers - feedback

I have just finished a meeting with Rick Heeren, who serves alongside Ed Silvoso in 'Harvest Evangelism'. This meeting and the Arise Dublin seminar we hosted yesterday were packed full of testimony and teaching of how God wants to transition his church to becoming more effective as 'Market-place ministers'. Here are the themes and thoughts in note form for you to peruse...these are just brief notes, let me know what you think.

* For too long church has expected the world to come to us. Its time to wake up to the need for the church to live well in the world and that the kingdom will come!

* The 'Market-place' refers to the business world and spheres of society where most people spend much of their life!

* Too many Christians dread Monday and live for the week-end. Week-ends are fun and necessary but we need to understand God's plan to use us in the work-place and to help bring Kingdom transformation.

* For this to happen we need a PARADIGM shift, our frame of reference as Christians must change eg. God's purpose for His believers (church) is to impact the world. This happens in different ways...from ethics at work, to using Godly prosperity to the benefit of employees, to evangelism and Kingdom demonstration or simply by praying for someone in need. Another paradigm shift is to understand that you have not 'arrived' when you become a full-time Christian worker...please! God has a unique DNA for each person and only the few called to this task should aspire to this. It is my opinion that it is a Godly ambition to excel and shine for God in the 'market-place'. This is not only normal for the Christian, it is where you can be most effective.

* paradigm shifts in brief (as taught by Ed Silvoso and his team)
- disciple cities and nations
- Reclaim the market-place
- Work is part of your worship
- Take the Kingdom of God to the gates of hell
- nation transformation is seen tangibly in the elimination of systemic poverty

* Pulpit and market-place ministers must work together in unity of spirit and faith for the Kingdom to come. Pastors equipping and blessing business and market-place ministers and the latter dedicating their work for the Kingdom and to the benefit of the local church

* Prayer is the foundation. Christ must be central with his Gospel. We cannot and must not try to effect city transformation without God! The concept beggars belief! Unity between Pastors is vital (as seen with Arise Dublin) This is unity with a purpose though, otherwise unity will eventually fade. Covenantal friendships with the King and His Kingdom the goal are an irresistible force for transformation of nations. Intercession is vital. No prayer, no change.

* Luke 10 gives a few key principles in evangelism the Jesus way (as taught by Rick Heeren)
- bless - speak your 'peace' (or Shalom), speak life...
- fellowship - some doors of God (and hearts) will open...stay around
- pray - look for ways to release the power&love of God eg. healing, needs.
- proclaim - speak the Gospel to open and receptive hearts

* believe and act toward God using the market-place as a place for His Kingdom to come, in various ways...no longer hiding but rather shining.

More to come soon...

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