Saturday, September 3, 2011

First love

First love, but First His love.

Clamour, clamour and more clamour. No-one makes me succomb-I just do.
I'll get around to you Lord I promise myself but when this happens I
seldom do.
Information-age idol and busyness mix, why do I bow down to this below
the radar fix?
No demands are made from heaven just eternity's heart cry, no jilted lover syndrome, just our spirits that sigh.

Friends, time is short - to meet, our Maker in awe and liquid love
Arrest this day, apprehend this hour, arise anew to Christ our great High Tower.
The drug of sleep, its power can keep, us from our God with life most deep.

First love, first love but first His love.

Only then can we capture and make place for the Dove.
Throw off the guilt but not the call, from Father's heart,
first love, our all.

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