Tuesday, October 18, 2011

They fasted

They Fasted

On Sinai's mount, with radiant face,
To intercede for heaven's grace
Upon a stubborn wayward race,
He fasted

Once lifted from the miry clay,
When opposition came his way
This soldier-King would often pray
With fasting

A seer, possessed of vision keen,
Who told the troubled king his dream,
Had light on God's prophetic scheme
Through fasting

The prophetess in temple court
Beheld the Babe the two had brought;
For Him she long had prayed and sought,
With fasting

He came to break the yoke of sin,
But ere His mission could begin
He met the foe and conquered him
While fasting

'Set these apart', the Spirit bade.
A spring, that soon vast rivers made,
Broke ope by men who as they prayed
Were fasting

So shall they fast when I am gone;
Was this no word to act upon?
Ask countless saints who fought and won
With fasting.

When we shall stand on that great day
And give account, what shall we say,
If He should ask us, 'Did you pray-
With fasting?'

Poem by Arthur Wallis, found in his book
'God's Chosen Fast'

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