Saturday, October 20, 2012

The effect of excessive social networking site usuage by children

PRESS HERE FOR A SCIENTIFIC STUDY ON THE EFFECTS OF SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES AND TECHNOLOGY ON OUR KIDS .......apart from these research findings, there is no doubt that the effects of the internet and in particular social networking sites are being felt by this generation of families. There are the obvious benefits - lets not forget those! What a resource it can be for music, school work, creativity, finding helpful information and yes the connectedness of social networking sites. However there are no doubt significant downsides to this current social revolution for families, even if the effects of this are only creeping up on us now and becoming apparent. Here are a few of my own concerns (social networking sites I will call SNSs here): 1. Addiction - there is no doubt that social networking is becoming an obsession for many children and indeed adults alike. Its becoming increasingly apparent that more and more time is being spent by kids wanting to network each other via a range of devices and forums, the world is opening up to interconnectedness but is there a danger that both individuals and the family unit could suffer from this technological revolution? I think so. Parents and children need time together, to talk, to relax together, for parents to help mould young lives and so on. Parents, be aware of this, and make sure that a 'good thing' does not become the 'only thing' in your home and family. 2. Disproportionate peer influence - could it be that with the four walls of our homes becoming more and more 'transparent' via social networking that there is danger of the key role that parents have in shaping, encouraging and moulding their children being drowned out by the constant contact with peers and access to media that is taking place. In this situation, parents are 'around' but have little 'voice'. Parents would be advised to consider social media 'black-out times' or limiting use, especially if the child is showing addictive tendencies that are affecting their behaviour and other aspects of their life, like school-work, sibling relationships and so on. Mobile phones now mean our kids can be in their bedrooms and accessing sites. If you have concerns that this is detrimental and becoming obsessive then parents take action! Educate your child about the dangers and bring in boundaries that can help them and help your home! 3. Access to all kinds of stuff - links to dodgy sites or a world of information that make children grow up 'ahead of their time' are an increasing issue facing the family. Social networking opens this information up to a wide and often inappropriate audience. The dangers of pornography are well documented. I recently spoke to a family with three males in the household. All have suffered from an addiction to pornographic websites. The female members of the household have also not been immune to the effects of this 'atmosphere' in the home. I wont go into detail, but as the Bible says - 'when you sow to the flesh, you reap from the flesh'....check out the next edition of this blog soon.....any comments? JS

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