Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The God who gives life to the dead

I have just finished reading one of my favourite passages of the entire Bible - Romans chapter 4. This is a piece of theology that helps us to believe. This is not any type of belief though. It is not 'Seeing is believing' faith, rather it is the faith of 'Believing is seeing'! Christian faith is not a faith solely in oneself, of pumped up self-esteem, and positivity alone. Christian faith is a belief in Christ, and in His power alone to raise the dead...let me explain.

Romans 4v3 Paul states,
" What does the Scripture say? "Abraham believed God, and it was credited to Him as righteousness" "

Abraham did not work or earn the 'credits' of God's righteousness to his 'bankrupt' spiritual state. It was by faith that he received God's justice and blessing, apart from his own efforts.

The Bible makes it abundantly clear regarding the fact that man without Christ's salvation is 'dead in trespasses and sins' Ephesians 2:1. It is only Christ who can 'raise' us spiritually and that through the finished work of the cross. Believing is nothing by itself. No amount of believing there IS a God will save us! Even the demons believe, the Bible tells us...We need rather to believe in such a way that understands we are truly in the morgue spiritually without Christ and His resurrection power! We then 'receive' (not earn) His gift of righteousness, quite apart from our own merits or achievements, so that the Holy Spirit can makes us 'alive' to God (Romans 6:11)

Here's another tasty morsel though, for the hungry of heart...for those who hunger and thirst for righteousness and desire to bear fruit for God's glory.
Our inheritance, that is the deeds (including reward) that should eminate from our right-standing in Christ, are also something we are powerless to achieve outside of His grace!
Even though 'His children' (those born into HIS Kingdom) are spiritually alive to God by the Holy Spirit, we have to learn to trust in Him and work with Him in order to be a fruit-bearer in us and through us ('Apart from me you can do nothing' Jesus said in John 15) Back to Romans 4..

Paul reveals "It was not through law Abraham believed and his offspring received the promise that he would be heir of the world, but through the righteousness that comes by faith"

This is like God reinforcing that 'as you began in Grace, so must you continue in Grace'
Too often as a believer I have tried stuff in my own efforts or strength.
Sometimes I have felt I 'had what it takes' to get a job done, or to see some 'Kingdom' progress. This is sometimes happening more unconsciously than consciously in us! Our prayerlessness may be a reflection of a deeper root of self-sufficiency that denotes a root of man-centeredness. It is often at the end of exhausting self-effort and 'trying' that I have been reminded that 'it is not by might, nor by power, but by the Spirit of the Lord'!

Abraham faced the fact that he and Sarah, hopeing and longing for their child of Promise and inheritance, were physically decrepid, barren and unable to bear children - that is apart from the Promise giver's power to make the impossible become possible.
They learned the obedience of faith
, having done all 'they stood' and believed in a God who gives life to that which is dead.

" As it is written, "I have made you the father of many nations" He is our father in the sight of God, in whom he believed-the God who gives life to the dead amd calls things that are not as though they were" Romans 4v17

"Therefore the promise comes by faith, so that it may be guarenteed to all Abraham's offspring-not only to those who are of the law...." Romans 4v16

Do you know the promises of God are for you? Do you have them hidden in your heart? Will you also today remember that it doesn't matter how impossible or improbable it appears for God to fulfil His promises in your life or nation, because like Abraham and Sarah's 'dying' bodies,

He is the God 'WHO GIVES LIFE TO THE DEAD' and fulfils His promises to those who trust in faith in Him as the Promise giver.


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